Creative Movement to Wholeness

Join Us and Expand into Deep Knowing
Join Us and Expand into Deep Knowing
Join Us and Expand into Deep Knowing
Listen to the body & resting the mind
Learn a embodied movement practice called Social Presencing Theater
Practice awareness of Self, Others and the Social Body.
Experience awareness when the body & mind are aligned
Discovery new meditation practices
Create a colorful journal to record your experiences
Paint a watercolor Batik over your word of intention
Clarify your desires as you Create a “Kaleidoscope Wheel”
Drum, dance and relax around the campfire
Eat organic meals with vegetarian and gluten free options
Enjoy walking in the nature at the Temenos Retreat Center
All affordable price
October 26,27,28, 2018
Social Presencing Theater
Social Presencing Theater

Social Presencing Theater (SPT), is a groundbreaking practice that Laura Cronk will be teaching at the retreat. It is a methodology, developed under the leadership of Arawana Hayashi with the Presencing Institute, for understanding current reality and exploring emerging future possibilities. Drawing on the arts and contemplative traditions SPT can be practiced at the individual, group, organization, and larger social systems level. This is not "theater" in the conventional sense, but uses simple body postures and movements to dissolve limiting concepts, to communicate directly, to access intuition, and to make visible both current reality, and the deeper – often invisible – leverage points for creating profound change. This is a Basic SPT workshop and no prior experience is required.
Meditation Practices
Meditation Practices

Throughout the weekend Mary Evelyn Zimmerman will share various forms of meditation.
The Grounding Intention Meditation is a guided meditation designed to ground us in the present moment and to allow our deepest intentions for the weekend to come into focus.
The Tonglen Meditation is a Tibetan Buddhist practice that fills our hearts with compassion for oneself and for all others and creates awareness of our inherent connection with all of humanity.
The Walking Meditation is a walk through Temenos’ Sacred Grove where we will mindfully experience and appreciate the sensations of the body, the present moment and the beauty of nature.
The Vipassana Meditation, is a silent meditation where we observe and release our thoughts in a detached state and become aware of our larger, nonphysical and unchanging selves.
The Deep Creative Connection Meditation is a practice done before creative endeavors to enrich the process with heart centered wisdom, focus and vision.
Meditation Practices

Artist Mary Jardin Wimberley will share some art techniques, which arise from the heart and deepen creative expression.
Create Your Own Journal: Following a guided visualization, create an inspiring journal and later use it to chronicle your insights through the weekend.
Make A Watercolor “Batik” Painting: Create a flowing, Batik-like watercolor image over your raised “word of intention.”
Construct A Kaleidoscope Wheel: Participants will integrate their new perspectives by creating a spinning wheel, representing their inner and outer worlds.
Your Hosts

Laura Cronk teaches Social Presencing Theater and Focusing and hosts Speaking Circles. Her interests are in facilitation using embodied practices
(SPT, Leadership Embodiment, Organization Constellations), Dialogue, Art of
Hosting and Process Work. She is an avid gardener and enjoys nature photography and hiking . She worked in healthcare for 31 years. She has
a MS in Library Science and MS in Clinical Psychology.

Mary Evelyn Zimmerman is an Intuitive Holistic Health Practitioner, specializing in guided meditations, color and shamanistic therapies. Mary has worked extensively on both East and West Coasts. She currently works in the PA. tristate area at various centers. Mary focuses on aligning people’s passions and inner peace in a heart centered approach. She helps people cultivate a sense of joy, vitality and well-being through the integration of body, mind and soul.

Mary Jardin Wimberley of Delaware is currently illustrating
her children’s books with her whimsical watercolor animal
characters. Mary is also passionate about sharing her
creative process with groups through intentional, intuitive
and self-expressive art projects. Mary is developing a series
of workshops highlighting the Hero and Heroine’s Journey as well as
working one-to-one with clients on Forgiveness and Self-inquiry.
Retreat Details

Join Us…
As We Nourish And Embrace The Emerging Future!
The cost includes:
All instruction and materials throughout the 3-day retreat
All meals, snacks and beverages. (The meals will be healthy organic meals with vegetarian and gluten free options)
Enjoy the secluded, peaceful setting of Temenoes Retreat Center. (walk the peace path in the sacred grove)
Check-in is Friday evening at 5:30 -6:30 PM and the workshop begins at 7:00 PM. The weekend will conclude on Sunday at 4:30 PM.
Location: Temenos Retreat Center, 564 Telegraph Rd, West Chester, PA 19382
Retreat with a shared double room is $325
Retreat with a single room is $370
Retreat with a shared triple room is $300
Retreat as commuter is $230. In order to attend as a commuter you will need arrive before the workshop begins each day and stay to the ending activities. Late arrival or early departure will impact other participates experience.
For questions: laura.leavesofpractice@gmail.com
To register: laura.leavesofpractice@gmail.com